
Spring’s Bright Smile

A Tender Greeting


Photo by Nick Gavrilov on Unsplash

Spring’s bright smile streams down
first light settling on my face
this tender greeting wakes me

Nature’s alarm clock

With fresh eyes wide open
I see the clay roof tiles
of neighboring houses
early morning frost
clinging in the shadows

Above the flowering trees
gentle breezes coax
a solitary cloud
across the turquoise sky

My soul whispers
this is a day of great possibility
a day overflowing with hope

And now, even as that cloud
sweeps across her face
I know Spring has heard
the voice of my heart

We welcome the day

Sydney Duke Richey writes from the heart. Inspired by everyday experiences, her poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of her life.
Sydney lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband.



Sydney Duke Richey

Writing from the heart, I’m inspired by everyday experiences. My poems, haiku and non-fiction come from a slice of my life. *Top Writer in Poetry*